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Easily create and schedule content that your ideal clients will love

Here we are on day 5, you are going to love today’s topic: Easy Content Creation and Content Scheduling

First things first though. I want to quickly talk about copyright and royalty free images for use on social media. You cannot just cut and paste or copy other peoples images and then use them on your own social media accounts or website. There is no excuse for this, it’s copyright infringement and it could lead to big legal problems and huge fines. You have been warned.

So what can do instead?

You need to use what are called Royalty Free images. There are lots of options available to you:

  • You can pay per image using websites like Deposit Photos or Shutterstock. 
  • You can buy a membership from a photographer like IvoryMix or WonderfelleMedia
  • You can use sites that provide FREE images e.g. Unsplash
  • You can use a graphic design tool that provides free templates and a range of free images e.g. Canva or Over

Once you’ve chosen where you’ll find your royalty free images, I recommend downloading and savings lots of them in to a folder on your phone or computer. That way you will be able to access them quickly as and when you need them. You will spend much less time browsing through images you already preselected than if you were to just start a fresh search! You could even go as far as adding tags to images or saving them in themed folders. e.g. scenery, inspiring, women business owners (these are some of my tags).

Now that you know where to find great royalty free images, all you have to do is create your content calendar and start posting! 

I recommend that you stick to your chosen themes (see day 2). This will help you to generate ideas and build out a calendar of content that will connect with your ideal clients.

Next, decide how often you want to publish content, and on which platforms. e.g. publish 1 blog post on your website per month, 1 image on Instagram per day, 5 images on Facebook per week, 1 live broadcast on Facebook per week.

It’s up to you how often you publish content, the key is consistency. Far better to post less often but always regularly than to start out with a daily post and then drift off and post on random days.

You might also want to consider batching your content creation. Many entrepreneurs do this. Set aside a day or half day when you can write all your content for a week or even a month. This will be easy if you’ve already taken the time to create a content calendar. 

Now it’s time to look at scheduling tools. These will help you to stay on top of your publishing commitment. You can load your pre-created content into them and the tool will automatically post them on the dates and times you specify.

I use Later for most of my scheduling, although I also have an account with Postplanner and I’m currently trialing SocialBee. I also recommend Hootsuite and Buffer, both of which offer free versions.

Many entrepreneurs fail to publish content because they get stuck in fear about what others might think. They sensor what they write to try and please everyone, but in doing so, they connect with no-one. Your posts do not have to be perfect. When you start out, hardly anyone will see your content so use the time to hone your writing skills. Become proficient at writing great content while your audience is small! 

I’ll be adding a fresh new cheat sheet to my blog for you to download tomorrow. Be sure to check it out if you want an easy format spreadsheet for managing your posts (from themes to where to post, this cheat sheet will cut the time you spend on content creation in half at the very least!)

As always, if you’ve got any questions post them below and I’ll be back to answer them.

Have a great day building a business you love x

Thank you for reading my 5 Day Series for new coaches, consultants and healers who want a thriving business. 

Here are all the posts in this series:

Day 1 – So you want to start a business? 5 simple steps you can’t ignore – click HERE

Day 2 – Niche – how to define your ideal clients and attract them with ease – click HERE

Day 3 – Starting a business? Here’s the top techy things you’ll need to consider – click HERE

Day 4 – Market your new business in 4 easy steps – Stand out & captivate – click HERE

Day 5 – Easily create & schedule content that your ideal clients will love – click HERE

Jane Rapin ACC

Jane Rapin ACC

Business & Personal Coach | Lawyer

I help professionals to reach their full potential. Starting a business takes guts. Get it off to the best start with my unique blend of coaching, commercially focussed strategy and targeted mindset work. I’ll help you get out of your own way, overcome self-doubt and dispel negativity. The result? You have more fun doing what you love. I work internationally and locally, across a broad range of industries. In addition to being a certified business and personal coach, I'm also a certified Tapping Into Wealth Transformational Coach. I've been coaching and mentoring for over 25 years, helping employees and business owners across a wide range of sectors including law, project management, engineering, retail, leisure, insurance, government initiatives to help the long-term unemployed, NHS and more. If you'd like to find out more about how I can help you, please feel free to contact me via the links here in my profile or via my website ( I can't wait to help you!