How to Deal with Uncertainty: A 4-week free online coaching programme
Is uncertainty making you feel anxious? The world is changing on a global level in ways which are personally affecting all of our lives, and as events unfold and things change daily, it can feel as if our futures are very uncertain. But, it is possible to learn to deal with, accept and even embrace uncertainty in order to use it to transform our lives.

In this free coaching programme, we will learn how to let go of anxiety and deal with uncertainty, and ultimately how to trust that things might be ok when we let go of control – after all, it’s the one thing we can do. It’s knowing how to do it that is the tough part.
So, join us over the next month, following 4 weeks of coaching workbooks and videos with our coach Sorrel Roberts, using simple and practical tools to help you let go of that which you can’t control and learn to embrace uncertainty, so that you feel less anxious about it, and maybe even see it as an exciting opportunity to grow…
Start the coaching course today for free, everything you need is below…
This course is a free offering from the The Life Leap club, an exclusive online ‘coaching club’ with over 30 online coaching courses, free to all our subscribers, where you’ll be supported and inspired by the world’s top coaches, experts, and psychologists to help you create the life you really want. For access to more online coaching courses, Subscribe and join the Life Leap club now and GET 3 ISSUES FOR JUST £5!
How to Deal with Uncertainty: A 4-week free online coaching programme
The course consists of:
- 1 x online test: How do you react in unpredictable times?
- 4 x weekly coaching workbooks
- 4 x weekly videos to support each workbook
How it works. Begin with the online test to help begin to understand how you respond to uncertainty.
Then it’s time to get into the course. Each week you’ll have one new workbook and video to watch (which supports the coaching workbook and provides extra ideas, support and resources). Work through the workbooks and videos in order. Depending on how long you want to spend on your workbook, and how much detail you want to invest, the workbooks will take anywhere between 10 – 40 minutes. The time in between your workbooks are useful for allowing what you’ve discovered to settle and sink in. If you don’t want to wait a week between each workbook and video set, you can move through them at your own pace, if that works for you.
Stick with the workbooks and videos and the changes you see will be huge!
So, grab a mug of something hot, and let’s get started!
Test: How do you react in unpredictable times? Uncertainty is unavoidable, but how we respond to it can make a big difference to our experience of life. Take our test to discover your default setting when you are unsure. Take the Test
Week one: Clarity
Week 1 Workbook How to deal with uncertainty
Week one video:
Week two: Confidence
- Week 2 Workbook How to deal with uncertainty
Week two video:
Week three: Courage
- Week 3 Workbook How to deal with uncertainty
Week three coaching video:
Week four: Conviction
Week 4 Workbook How to deal with uncertainty
Week four coaching video:
This course is a free offering from the The Life Leap club, an exclusive online ‘coaching club’ with over 30 online coaching courses, free to all our subscribers, where you’ll be supported and inspired by the world’s top coaches, experts, and psychologists to help you create the life you really want.
Subscribe and join the Life Leap club
Join our Psychologies Life Leap Club – Find out more here.
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