Test: What will help you get unstuck?

If you're struggling to get out of a rut, take our test to find out what affirmation will help to create a mindset shift for you.


Your Result

The future starts today

Telling yourself you’ll think about what you really want in life ‘when you have more time’ is a classic way to stay stuck in a rut.

Busy periods are never ending if you find it hard to say no or are always the one who sorts everything out at home, work or in your social life. Of course, responsibilities are real and there are things that just need doing, but busyness can also be a form of avoidance – constantly mentally running through your lists of immediate tasks can convince you that you don’t have the capacity for new possibilities.

And the frustration of feeling like you’re in limbo or always waiting for things to change can chip away at your resilience. Of course, when life feels extra challenging or upsetting, just coping and getting through the day may be all you can do. But if you’ve just got into a habit of living automatic pilot, you could be missing what’s right under your nose.

Look for micro opportunities to do something different, whether shaking up your morning routine, starting a conversation with someone new, or simply varying what you do at weekends. Be more present, remind yourself the future starts today, and you might find that new possibilities or your next path forward have been there all along.

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