Test: What stops you making the most of your time?

Take our test to discover the root cause of your time anxiety and learn how to make the most out of your time...


make the most of your time

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People who find it hard to say no to opportunities, events and helping others can feel as if they never have enough time to do anything. There’s no doubt that a packed schedule has appeal, not least because living in reactive mode crowds out doubts about whether you’re good enough or happy. But if the bulk of your time is spent on tasks that lack meaning and don’t align with your core values, your busyness will soon undermine your wellbeing.

People pleasers often overcommit – you may respect other people’s right to say no but lack the confidence to stick to your own boundaries. Overscheduling also comes from a fear of ‘negativity’ and a belief in making the most out of life, so you may feel busy and stuck at the same time! As well as creating time anxiety – feeling that life is passing too quickly – an overscheduled life takes its toll on relationships if you don’t have time for the people you love or to nurture new connections. Ask: where can I create space in my life? Your challenge is to protect that space and resist the urge to fill it up.

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