Test: How do you deal with change?

Transitions can be very empowering – take our test to find out what will help you flourish


Test: How do you deal with change?

Your Result

What needs your attention during times of change? Self acceptance

Even expected transitions can be unsettling, so it’s no surprise your general mindset is affected. You may find yourself feeling low for what seems like no reason, struggling with motivation, or just not feeling like ‘yourself’. It can be hard to hang onto supportive lifestyle habits, which further undermines your resilience. At its worst, you can feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster and, when you get hijacked by your moods, it’s easy to let your feelings drive your choices and decisions.
But emotions are like the weather, and the only thing we can know for certain about them is that they will change – how you feel today is unlikely to be how you will feel tomorrow. Sometimes, it’s not our mood itself that undermines or disrupts us, but our response to it. Try sitting with your feelings, and working on self acceptance. Check in with the ‘weather pattern’ inside you throughout the day and notice the stories your mind is telling you – and whether you are basing your choices on the belief
that these stories are true. While you wait for the storm to pass, be your own best friend, and remind yourself of times you successfully navigated transitions in the past.

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