Evoke Psychotherapeutic Retreats: Are you ready for a transformative journey of self-discovery?


evoke retreats

Evoke Psychotherapeutic Retreats offer a safe space for deep reflection, self discovery and connection.

Have you spent your life trying to fit someone elseโ€™s mould? Do you put everyoneโ€™s needs before your own? Do you even know who you are anymore? 

These feelings are more common than you might think, but that doesnโ€™t mean you should just accept them. Itโ€™s never too late to rediscover yourself, turn the page and start a new chapter in your life. If you want to take back control of your story and set your sights on a different path, the first step is to press pause and take time just for you.

Evoke Retreats provide the perfect environment for reflecting on all the relationships that matter: with yourself, with others and with the wider world. Over three days at a luxury spa hotel in Buckinghamshire, qualified therapists will guide you through making sense of your past, assessing your present and embarking on the future on your terms. 

About Evoke Retreats:

Jill Threadgold and Hayley Anselm started Evoke Psychotherapeutic Retreats to provide a safe and supportive environment which encourages guests to deepen their self-awareness, learning more about who they are and how they relate to others. Through group therapy with up to 12 people, supported by one-to-one sessions, participants can share their experiences, hopes and fears in a confidential, empathetic space.

โ€œWe encourage you to break out of your comfort zone but respect that everyone will work at their own pace,โ€ says Jill, who has particular expertise in supporting people through periods of change and life transitions. โ€œWe find that group therapy is a wonderful place to learn from each otherโ€™s experiences and for individuals to see themselves and the world from different perspectives. Itโ€™s also reassuring to know that you are not alone in how you feel.โ€

Psychotherapists Jill Threadgold (left) and Hayley Anselm are passionate about the transformative power of group therapy

Your retreat programme:

From Friday lunchtime through to Sunday evening, every Evoke Retreat follows a programme of tailored group sessions, which include guided exercises, facilitated discussion and individual reflection time, plus a one-to-one therapy session with Jill or Hayley.

โ€œWe use established psychotherapeutic models and tools to help you understand yourself better and how you interact with the world around you, at work, in your friendships and within your family,โ€ explains Hayley, who specialises in helping people through depression and low mood, anxiety, addiction, grief and trauma. โ€œWe help you to see what holds you back, what stops you from being authentically you and enable you to make active choices in the future.โ€

Donโ€™t let life just happen to you. Be the author of your own story.

evoke retreats
Staying at a luxury spa hotel in Buckinghamshire, every Evoke Retreat follows a comprehensive programme of tailored group sessions

Come and join us: next retreat dates

  • 4 โ€“ 6 October 2024 (women-only retreat)
  • 28 Feb โ€” 2 Mar 2025
  • Full-board accommodation in a private en-suite double room
  • 10% discount for Psychologies readers with code: PSYC10
  • Visit Retreat Pricing & Dates at evokepsychotherapies.co.uk for further details.

There will be downtime between therapy sessions with the opportunity to make use of the hotelโ€™s extensive facilities, including the spa, and to explore its beautiful surroundings. Delicious seasonal meals are all included.

Find out more and book your free 30-minute assessment at evokepsychotherapies.co.uk/book-online.