Test: What will help you get unstuck?

If you're struggling to get out of a rut, take our test to find out what affirmation will help to create a mindset shift for you.


Your Result

Progress, not perfection

Sometimes we get stuck because we’re waiting for the ‘perfect’ time to make a shift. When you live by a rule of ‘I have to get it right’ – whether or not you’re aware of it – you can find yourself in a rut even if you’re a motivated and conscientious person. You may not consider yourself a perfectionist, simply someone who cares about making the right choices.

But ask yourself this question – are you forgiving of others’ mistakes, but expect yourself to never mess up? When the stakes are high it can seem smart to plan for every eventuality, but the side effect is that it keeps uncertainty front of mind, so it can feel safer to stay with what you know. Change is uncomfortable so there is logic in thinking that aiming for perfect will make it less risky.

But sometimes, waiting until everything is ‘sorted’ before you take a different path is procrastination in disguise. Remember we learn from every experience, whatever the outcome, and you don’t need to always know the final destination when you set off on a new path. Use your mantra to help switch your focus to progress rather than perfection. You may be in awe of people who just ‘have a go’ – is it time for you to join them and experiment with good enough?

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