Poetry in Coaching – Creativity Inspires Creativity Part 1
From a young age I had told myself; ‘I’m not creative’. Now, I know that this was a “limiting belief”, a “life script” which was not enabling me or enhancing my life in anyway, I was not connected with the true me, as it wasn’t true!
During my coaching journey, I tapped into my innate creativity within, and I found a poet in me just waiting to get out. I was searching for a better version of me, and coaching enabled me to go deeper into my unconscious mind, freeing it and what ensued was a wonderful gift of creative writing.
Now, as I’m no longer standing in my own way, I am able to draw from my life experiences and my deep exploration journey within and my poems seem to be writing themselves. They flow beautifully and authentically from pen to paper or keyboard tap to blank word document. It certainly feels like my soul has been freed and writing enables me to express this with a desire to inspire.
Building on my self-compassion and self-confidence, I had a great desire to share my poetry with the world, simply an inner feeling that it would be beneficial in some way. When I did, I found my mindful poetry, not only helpful to me as a form of expression but it also was proving beneficial in my coaching practice, having a positive impact for my clients opening up coaching conversations with a sense of hope, inspiration and possibility.
I read on brightsideoflife.co.uk; ‘the presence of a poem is like a promise, the substance of something hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen’. That really resonates with me.
I believe that my mindful poetry can enable shifts in people’s mindset. As in my poetry, I factor in the coaching tools to motivate, inspire, encourage and support with a sense of ease and flow and with compassion. My Poem; Personal Power which you can hear me recite on link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5ODa-l6MSk was inspired by a book called ‘Super Brain’ written by Deepak Chopra and R. E. Tanzi. It was a life changing book for me which helped me understand about neuroplasticity and negative feedback loops in the brain. It basically said that we all have super brains, and we all have personal power within. However, included in this poem is one of the emotional states that gets in most people’s way… self-victimisation, which had kept me stuck at times in my life.
In positive intelligence we call this the ‘victim saboteur’ which can keep us stuck in a negative feedback loop where we feel powerless to change our life for the better. This poem inspired and created a mind shift in a client I started working with. A week after she heard me recite the poem, she called me saying, I still hear your voice and poetic words in my mind, and I have decided now that I know this is the time for me, to move forward. To this day she says, this poem helped her to shift her thinking and take positive steps in her life to transform her life for the better.
I believe that poetry can inspire and start conversations which help us to understand ourselves better, unlock and move away from old life-scripts so we can recreate and write new more empowering stories which help us live more fulfilled lives.
As like me with my life story ‘I’m not creative’, my client realised, the story she was telling herself was no longer relevant or helping her in her current life and she realised it was in fact holding her back and the poem gave her a feeling of hope and possibility for the future with new perspectives. She described mindful poetry as ‘medicine for the soul’.
Have you tried writing down your thoughts, feelings and emotions? Give it a go!
Watch out for Part 2 in Creativity Inspires Creativity coming soon!

Patricia Ahern
Mental Fitness and Self Love Coach
About me and my self love journey I love creativity I Love writing I love singing I love curiosity, wonder and awe I Love my inner child, who reminds me how wonderful life is I Love my wise elder self, who spurs me on into my dream future I Love working on my mental fitness and positive emotional intelligence which I have learnt is the essence of a successful, happy and fulfilled life. I grew into my self love – I created it, and I have to build on it every day with mindfulness, meditation, positive affirmations, creative writing, my story is a life commitment and a work in progress and always will be but it is an enjoyable and rewarding one. I love helping young professional women write their story, growing and nurturing their creativity to live their best lives, being the best version of themselves they wish to me, growing from a deeper sense of self-love within. Do you feel like your life is a roller coaster of emotions? Currently, your inner judge/self-critic, beats you up, and you wake in the middle of the night worrying about what happened, and what may happen tomorrow, with a sense of overwhelm, fear and unease, have you lost yourself in the depths of your busy noisy life….. Do you feel you are living a life story with old beliefs and thoughts patterns creating the same patterns of negative behaviour and problems in your life? Perhaps with tendencies like for perfectionism, people pleasing, imposter syndrome? Now…. Imagine a path of ease and flow, with a sense of calm in your life, where you are in control of your emotions and emotional responses, you’re resourceful, you’re positive, solution focused, with complete clarity for action, with a positive mindset and attitude, mentally fit and resilient and prepared for whatever life throws at you. Do you long for this type of ease and flow life? Are you ready to take positive control and ownership of your life and start writing your own story? I help facilitate the creating of this path for women in their 30’s to 40’s who feel they are ready to find that path back to their true authentic self, with a true deep sense of self-worth, self-value, and most of all self-love. I do this by helping you to build on skills, most of us don’t learn in school or in our younger life; with emotional and positive intelligence for transformational sustainable change with Mental Fitness. If you are ready, I am ready and able to help you, write and live your story. Get in touch if you want to find out more about Mental Fitness and positive intelligence and how it can help you achieve the life you want and write your story in which you are the main character, the love of your life, the heroine. It would be a pleasure to help you