What’s really stopping you from loving your work? Create the career you want

If you're stuck at a job that leaves you drained and frustrated at the end of every day...take our new quiz, says our Editor-in-Chief Suzy Walker


What’s really stopping you from loving your work? Create the career you want

What’s really stopping you from loving your work?

Have you ever stepped on the work treadmill every morning and thought ‘there has to be another way’? What if you gave yourself a little space to explore your inner yearnings and create a new vision and future for your working life?  The first step is to look at what is not working in your career.  

I’m Suzy Walker, a career coach, and Editor-in-Chief of Psychologies magazine – not only have I changed career 3 times but also coached 100s of people to make the leap and create the career they really want. How do you know it’s time to make a change? Here’s how:

5 ways to know it’s TIME to make a change

·  You dread going to work every day but you do it because it pays the bills.

·  You’re surrounded at work by people who complain and gossip

·  You know that you have hidden potential.

·  You always feel busy at work but never feel satisfied or fulfilled

·  You feel a vague sense of discontent even in your happiest moments.

Don’t despair! Take our test and discover what’s really stopping you from loving your work.


 Photo: Getty/iStock.