What is the best workout for you?


Test: What is the best workout for you?

Personality Test

It's Friday night and you're tired, but happy itโ€™s the weekend. You relax while listening to:

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A colleague invites you to go to an exercise class with her. How do you react?

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You've got a date with your new boyfriend/girlfriend. What look do you go for?

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Youโ€™re at a restaurant. To give your taste buds a treat you opt for:

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You decide to decorate your living room. What colours do you go for?

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During a meeting at work your boss buries a project that had been close to your heart. How do you react?

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At night:

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In the morning when you wake up, you like to:

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If you were an animal you would be a:

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When you look at yourself in the mirror you think:

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