From Passion to Profession: Becoming an Ollie Coach for Emotional Resilience

The Ollie School is revolutionising how we nurture emotional resilience in our children - here's how you too can become an Ollie Coach...


In a world thatโ€™s increasingly recognising the importance of nurturing emotional well-being, Iโ€™m thrilled to introduce you to the transformative journey of the Ollie School. As an Ollie Coach who has completed the training, I can vouch for the incredible impact of this approach that has not only received accolades but is also making waves in mental health training and services.

Imagine a world where children are taught and empowered to understand and control their emotions. Thatโ€™s precisely what the Ollie School, founded by the visionary Alison Knowles, stands for. This holistic approach seeks to revolutionise how we nurture emotional resilience in our children, setting the stage for them to thrive in our complex, ever-changing world.

The heart of the Ollie methodology beats with the belief that each child is unique, and their emotional journey should be too. Unlike one-size-fits-all approaches, Ollieโ€™s philosophy is deeply rooted in personalisation. It aims to identify the techniques that resonate best with each child, harnessing their innate potential to control and conquer their emotions.

As an Ollie Coach, I am equipped with a rich tapestry of techniques, blending Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and play therapy. This comprehensive approach ensures that Ollie coaches like me are well-prepared to address every facet of emotional well-being, providing invaluable support to children facing various challenges.

Exciting news for all readers: a new book in the Ollie series, โ€œOllie and the Guardians,โ€ has recently been launched. With praise from Kath Evans, Director of Childrenโ€™s Nursing at Barts Health, this literary masterpiece intertwines elements of magic and compassion into a story that guides readers of all ages on a journey of self-discovery and emotional growth.

Join the Movement: Be an Ollie Coach

If empowering children and families to thrive emotionally resonates with you, consider becoming an Ollie Coach and embarking on a transformative journey. Through the Ollie Schoolโ€™s comprehensive training, youโ€™ll receive a certification in NLP and a licence to work as an Ollie Coach, signifying your commitment to enhancing emotional resilience in children and families.

Whatโ€™s truly remarkable is that more and more schools and organisations are embracing the Ollie approach, integrating it into their classrooms and programs. This approach is not just simple; it empowers children to understand and manage their emotions effectively. It builds on their strengths, fosters resilience, and benefits both children and adults in a short span of time.

Testimonials from Fellow Ollie Coaches

Belinda Wells says, โ€œThis is such a simple technique, but a very powerful one that empowers the child to be able to understand and deal with their emotions. It works on their strengths. It builds resilience. It really helps both children and adults in a short space of time.โ€

Sarah Tomlinson shares, โ€œI have recently completed the online resilience training and have been totally inspired! Professionally I have worked to support children and families for over 25 years and discovering the Ollie concept has reignited a passion in me to make a real difference. I believe the emotional resilience available through this concept is invaluable and have signed up to develop myself further by becoming an Ollie Coach trainee.โ€

In a world where emotional well-being is taking centre stage, the Ollie School offers a unique opportunity to make a profound impact. Whether youโ€™re a parent, educator, or simply someone passionate about the mental health of our younger generation, I invite you to join me in being part of this transformative journey. Contact the Ollie School today to embark on a rewarding path that will transform lives and contribute to a brighter future for all. Letโ€™s empower the next generation and make a lasting difference, one child at a time.

For more information, please visit our website or contact Caroline Chipper at

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