Change your fitness routine with the changing season with these #BrainFood tips for exercising in autumn



The onslaught of cold, wet weather can often deter us from keeping up with our exercise routine. 

Yet this transitional period between seasons can be hugely beneficial in that it can revive monotonous fitness sessions and allow us to try new activities.

Here are five ways you can improve your fitness levels by taking advantage of the change in seasons:

  • Organise or get involved in autumn events. Pumpkin picking, building a bonfire and ice-skating are all great ways to incorporate exercise into your weekend and a great excuse for a get together with friends and family.
  • Integrate autumn chores into your workout. Raking your garden not only removes unwanted leaves but it also helps to burn up to 135 calories if carried our for half an hour.
  • Exercise early in the morning. It’s easier to be active during hours of daylight. Exercising in the dark can feel like a chore and you’re less likely to have the motivation to get up and go. Fit in a run or gym session first thing in the morning as it guarantees a workout and still allows time in the evenings to relax.
  • Dress appropriately. It may sound obvious but if you don’t have the right gear for exercising outdoors you’re more likely to give up and go inside. Layering up is key as you can remove items of clothing once you’ve warmed up.
  • Make use of a fitness DVD. The upside of a cold rainy day means you have a great excuse to put on a fitness or yoga DVD. It allows you to stay in shape without leaving your living room and can easily be done with neighbours and friends to make it more sociable.

Photograph: iStock

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