Do you know how to set boundaries?


Test: Can you set boundaries?

Personality Test

Your partner is feeling down. You:

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You offer to take a friend out for dinner for her birthday. They suggest a really expensive restaurant. You:

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Your colleague was feeling a bit down so you worked really hard to help him out. The manager thought the results were great and has congratulated him. You:

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Your partner has cancelled your night out for the second time in a row because he/she has to work late. You:

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Imagine you’re a child again. You have just built a sandcastle and another child comes and tramples on it. You:

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Your new next-door neighbours keep popping round before dinner. Next time they turn up you:

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You bump into your best friend’s boyfriend, and he’s got his arm round a very attractive woman. You:

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Your mother doesn’t cope very well with the fact that you are single and is always trying to set you up with people. How do you react? You:

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It’s one in the morning. You’ve just managed to get to sleep when a friend phones you. She is feeling very down. You:

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You’ve got a romantic meal planned for this evening but your boss wants you to finish an important bit of work before you leave. You:

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A friend often asks you to baby-sit for her two difficult children while she goes out for the evening. You:

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You’re working on a team project and you’ve been partnered with the person who everyone knows doesn’t pull their weight. You:

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