Test: What stops you creating a meaningful life?

You know that living a life with meaning is key for wellbeing, but it’s not always easy to connect with your ‘why’. Take our test to see what’s standing in the way of you finding your purpose


Test: What stops you creating a meaningful life?

Personality Test

You tend to think about life’s meaning when:

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Deep down, you think life is about:

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You feel at your best when you’ve:

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People who love you are always telling you to:

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Thinking about your ‘why’ tends to come second place to thinking about:

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Your main motivation in finding your purpose in life is to feel:

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You find yourself looking up to people who have:

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Growing up, you believed that good people:

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Your ideal self, 10 years from now, will be:

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Life feels unrewarding when you:

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