Test: What’s really standing in your way at work?

If your professional success falls short of your expectations despite your best efforts, take our test to find out what’s stopping you from reaching your true potential


Test: What's really standing in your way at work?

Personality Test

On the whole, it’s most important for you to feel:

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When you have to make a decision, you get stuck on:

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Deep down, you believe success is:

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Sometimes, you wonder if you’d be more successful if you were more:

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What was your main reason for leaving your previous job?

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What concern is most likely to keep you awake at night?

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Which statement best sums up your attitude towards delegating?

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What would you find hardest to deal with in a colleague?

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Which of these most closely matches your work ‘mission statement’?

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Sometimes, you wonder if your colleagues:

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