New Fiction: The Easy Way Out

Ethine Farry reviews The Easy Way Out by Stephen Amsterdam


New Fiction: The Easy Way Out

Evan is a nurse โ€“ a suicide assistant, helping terminally ill patients take control of their dying.

Heโ€™s moved in with his mum, who is succumbing to Parkinsonโ€™s, but is determined to maintain her contrary way of living. So, itโ€™s no wonder heโ€™s starting to question everything, including the meaning of life and the idea of a โ€˜comfortable deathโ€™ in this thought-provoking novel.

Author Steven Amsterdam is a pallative care nurse based in Melbourne when he is not writing fiction.

The Easy Way Out‘ by Steven Amsterdam (Riverrun, ยฃ12.99) is out now. 

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