Are you manipulative?


Test: Are you manipulative?

Personality Test

One of your friends owes you money but shows no sign of paying it back. You:

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You suspect that your partner is cheating on you. You:

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Your partner would like to go on holiday to Seville this summer but you would prefer to go and see a friend in Edinburgh. What do you say to your partner?

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As a child, how did you persuade your parents to buy you that toy you really wanted? You:

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You’re working late but you want to leave to meet a friend for a drink. You’d really appreciate it if a colleague finished off your work for you. You:

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You’ve been away for a while and your mother has really missed you. You:

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You are out at a club and you have just had an argument with your partner. You:

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You had your eye on a car at a garage, but someone else has already agreed to buy it and is about to sign the papers. You:

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Which of the following do you find most difficult to deal with?

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You’re at a dinner party and someone is talking about your specialist subject. What they’re saying isn’t quite accurate. You:

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