Do you know how to say no?


Test: Do you know how to say no?

Personality Test

Saying ‘no’ means you are:

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If you say ‘yes’ to someone and therefore can’t do something that you'd been looking forward to, you feel:

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You are looking after an elderly member of your family and you do everything they might want out of respect for:

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Your mum invites you to spend Christmas with her every year but you’d rather do something different this time. Saying no would:

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You have just broken up with someone but they say they still love you and want to stay together. You:

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You lent money to a friend, saying that it was the last time, but they ask to borrow some again. You:

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You think you get on well with everyone you know, except for two or three people — just like everyone. Why is this?

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In your job what kind of manager would you prefer to have? Someone who:

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You hate travelling but your friends are offering to take you away for a week to the Maldives for your birthday, so you:

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If you won £1 million on ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?’ what would the money bring you?

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